Pesticide Minibulks - Filling, Maintenance, Containment

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There is no doubt that agriculture has embraced minibulk use as a very cost-effective and efficient way of moving pesticides from retailers to farms. The convenience of bypassing many smaller containers and the lower price of bulk products makes minibulk use an important part of agricultural production. Farmers and retailers know the benefits of minibulks well, but they also need to know about the concerns of spills and tank contamination. Retailers and farmers agree that the added cost of secondary containment and following repackaging agreements is significant. However, they also agree that following the regulations helps prevent spills, lower the frequency of tank cross-contaminations, and improve environmental quality. When farmers and retailers work together as part of a "minibulk system," they both can reap the benefits of lower product cost and liability and increased safety and profit.

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Author Fred Whitford
Produced Oct 4, 2020
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