Compassion & Resilience Education at Work (CREW) Curriculum
To address organizations' needs for programming that supports employee mental health, Compassion & Resilience Education at Work (CREW) is an introductory health education curriculum tailored to the workplace environment. The CREW Curriculum consists of three 1-hour activity-driven sessions on the topics of Work-Life Balance, Stress Management, and Stigma Reduction. The curriculum is adaptable to delivery virtually or in person. It can be offered as standalone 1-hour sessions or as a series.
This file includes comprehensive materials to implement the curriculum successfully, including:
Coordination materials such as an instructor manual, checklists, and templates
Session materials such as session instructor guides, facilitation tools, participant handout packets, and evaluation instruments
Marketing materials such as flyers with space for co-branding, tips to promote the curriculum to employers, and social media templates