Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces
Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces supports the development of great public spaces reflective of community values. The Indiana-based curriculum is designed for use by decision makers and local leaders with oversight and management of community public spaces such as parks boards and planning commission members, public officials and staff, and members of organizations whose missions are related to providing services, programs, or management of public spaces. A one day workshop starts the process with collaborative activities to identify best practices for improving public spaces with emphasis on forming partnerships to achieve desired community goals. Follow-on working group meetings provide the resources and technical support needed to plan and implement projects tailored to individual communities. The completed high quality public spaces action plan can be used as part of comprehensive planning efforts, parks and recreation master plans, and fundraising initiatives.
Contacts: Kara Salazar (salazark@purdue.edu / 765-496-1070), Michael Wilcox (wilcox16@purdue.edu / 765-496-2640).
Audience: Decision makers and local leaders
Formats: ZIP file download (13 MB, 16 total files)---PDF, Word, Excel
Language: English
Pages: 112 for curriculum document